Teach our kids HOW to think, not WHAT to think.
My Priorities
“My primary concern is and will always be the success and welfare of our children. A school district’s number one responsibility is to prepare our kids for college and/or the workforce so that they ultimately have fulfilling lives and careers.”
“Our students deserve every advantage when applying for college or entering the workforce. The District owes that to them and the District owes that to you.”
“An engaged school board, working along with teachers, parents, and district leadership, can return our District to a level of excellence where even more parents move here because of the quality schools and where the parents of over 30% of the children already living here aren’t sending their kids outside of the district to learn.”
“The Governing Board is there to implement the will of the district’s voters. It acts as YOUR voice in the Catalina Foothills School District. Accountability and transparency are key, and I will listen to the community so that your voice will be heard.”
It’s essential for the CFSD Board Members to work closely with and listen to the school community. I see our job as being collaborators with district parents in order to elevate the experience and education of our students.
I’ll Fight For:
Partnering with Parents
School Safety
Building Transparency and Trust
Highest Paid Teachers in the State
Listening to the Voters
// Why Choose Bart
Focused on Education
Partnering with Parents
Build an effective partnership between parents, teachers, and other school personnel to provide the most effective learning environment for all students. This will improve student achievement and promote excellence in academics and the arts.
Improve School Safety
Improve School Safety for all Students, Faculty, and Staff through the addition of more resource officers where necessary, comprehensive review of campus access, and an intelligent hiring process.
Highest Paid Teachers in the State
CFSD has great teachers. Making them the highest-paid teachers in the state will help keep them and attract more (especially math and science teachers, which are in short supply).
Implement the Will of the Voters
The Governing Board is there to implement the will of the voters in the District. It acts as YOUR voice in the Catalina Foothills School District. Accountability and transparency are key, and I will listen to the community so that your voice will be heard.
// About the Candidate
Bart Pemberton for CFSD Board
Why is it over 30% of the school-aged children in the district attend school elsewhere? I will strive to find the answer and if possible improve in-district enrollment. As a governing board member, I will work to reverse that trend by resuming what made it great in the first place.
CFSD should be where every student can engage and succeed in the timeless pursuit of Truth, Beauty, and Self-Discipline. When this happens, excellence in academics, arts, and athletics follows.
I will strive to improve school safety for all students, faculty, and staff in the district. I will also strive to improve the transparency and accountability of the Governing Board.
My primary concern is and will always be the success and welfare of the students so that they are prepared for college and/or the workforce, and that they ultimately have fulfilling lives and careers. Our students deserve every advantage when applying for college or entering the workforce. All members of our school community need to be treated respectfully and fairly.
I need your support to run a successful campaign. Please donate your money, time, or both because we can’t accomplish this without them for our children, grandchildren, friends, family, and community.
// Current CFSD Governing Board
Why it Matters
Check out the laughter when a former board member praises the superintendent for saving the district from parents in 1999. She explains how a principal was replaced in the district after their “…very bad experiment…giving parents too much decision-making.” Notice how the problem, in their view, was to give parents the ability to make decisions for their kids. The CFSD Governing Board went on to eliminate the requirement for Parental Satisfaction Surveys, calling into question the Board’s commitment to transparency and accountability to the very parents they purport to support. This is why it matters. Vote Bart Pemberton for CFSD Governing Board 2024. View the entire video HERE, from around 12:40 – 14:05.
According to the state auditor’s report, the CFSD board doesn’t treat teachers equally when it comes to funding. Here’s how it breaks down and how we can pay teachers more!
// CFSD Wins
Outstanding Achievements at Catalina Foothills School District
Outstanding Achievements, May 2024:
“MZES Maura Baker, gifted specialist, was honored with the Tucson Values Teachers’ (TVT) Award; Two CFHS Juniors will represent CFHS at Boys State 2024; Three CFHS students have been selected to participate in the KEYS Research Internship; Fifty-nine CFHS students were recently inducted into the National Honor Society (NHS); Three CFHS students were invited to compete at the Junior Olympics; CFHS Art student placed first at the Congressional Art Show; CFHS Advanced Theatre students took home multiple awards at the Southern Arizona Festival of Theatre; Five CFHS students participated as members of the Arizona All-State Choir; Thirteen CFHS student athletes signed letter of intent at the NCAA National Signing Day 2024; CFHS yearbook from last year was selected once again to be featured; CFHS senior won Best Actor at the Monte Awards; OGMS boys and girls track and field team won the league championship; OGMS 8th grade volleyball team won the division championship; OGMS 7th grade baseball team won the league championship.” by CFSD.org.
Click to see More District Achievements.
// Endorsements
We are Honored to be Endorsed by Mr. Tom Horne, Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Proudly Supported and Endorsed by Jennifer Repscher, CFSD Board Candidate.